
que design 1080p hd cyclops video glasses w 8gb card

  • Specs

    • Model: E229046
    • Condition: New
    • Sensor Type: CMOS
    • Recording Resolution: 1440 x 1080 video
    • Recording Frame Rate: 30fps
    • Still Image Resolution 15 megapixels
    • Built-in microphone
    • On/off, video, camera, and reset buttons
    • Battery Type: Lithium Polymer (Rechargeable)
    • Memory: MicroSD (8GB included)
    • Output: Micro USB port for charging and downloading video and images

    What's in the Box?

    1x Glasses
    1x 8GB microSD card
    1x USB cable
    1x Clamshell Case
    1x Cleaning Cloth

    Price Comparison

    $25 (for refurbished) at Groupon


    90 days

    Estimated Delivery

    Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th

  • Oh, those are nice and inconspicuous

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    • Whisper
    • @nolrak I think in the ongoing journey of trying to not get the shit kicked out of you, non-inconspicuous is best for this type of thing. At least no one will think you're trying to video them secretly…

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  • When are they going to make glasses with cameras on them that don't scream "I'm an idiot!"…oh wait

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    • @norman8

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  • Ouch. I don't know about the quality of pictures these take, but I definitely don't want to be caught actually in a picture while wearing these.

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  • These things have been listed for 4 minutes and still haven't sold out. What gives?

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  • /image repel
    /image rappel

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    • @RiotDemon to quote (I believe) @RedOak, that's what happens when an English major writes about technical shit.

      Also, I think rappelling is pretty much only a way down, but what do I know compared with such an accomplished adventurer as our hero Gleg?

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    • @djslack yeah, rappelling is only down. I thought about coming back and mentioning that. I wasn't sure what word would of been more appropriate in the story. Hoist maybe.

      Edit: rereading it looks like they climbed up instead of being pulled up. Ascended.

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  • My wife will hate me for this, but this will be a, "Hey Mom, watch this!" gift for one of the boys…

    /giphy omnicient-wakeful-potluck

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    • @shahnm You might want to get this for both (all?) of the boys to avoid them fighting over it.

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    • @Fuzzalini

      Possible answer choices:

      1. Yes, but I love one of my kids more than the others.
      2. Yes, but I only really dislike one of my kids enough to give this to him.
      3. I could do that, but then I'd just have videos of each of them making videos of the other, ad infinitum.
      4. By ensuring my family's possession of only one set, I minimize the risk that any of the kids might inadvertently be photographed or videoed actually wearing the God-awfully hideous thing, making me a thoughtful and cool dad…
      5. Something or other about Elon Musk and whatever and whatnot and who really gives a fuck…?
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    • @shahnm 6. Send us video of the kids fighting over the glasses.

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    • @shahnm Actually, I think #3 is probably what would happen.

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    • @Fuzzalini Your refusal to acknowledge my status as a thoughtful and cool dad has been noted.

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    • @shahnm I acknowledge that your first comment started with "My wife will hate me for this"

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  • Any video samples?

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    • @Zelucifer after a fashion:

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    • @djslack @Zelucifer I watched for 18 seconds before turning it off and already feel dumber… And it's 8 minutes long.

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  • Ah damn it, I always get irrationally excited when a thing says 1080p video glasses, before I realize that it's always 1080p video recording not 1080p video display.

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  • Wannabe Google Glass

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    • @Stallion Yeah but for two orders of magnitude fewer dollars. And equal cool factor…

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    • @shahnm @Stallion and also Google realized what a horrible idea it was and gave up on it

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    • @unksol Giving Google too much credit there. Giving up on products is their priority, they probably didn't even consider whether it was a horrible idea

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  • The photo shows "1080p", and the details read "Recording Resolution: 1440 x 1080 video".

    Does someone need glasses or more math homework?

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    • @hchavers The latter, and I'll let you think about who might that be.

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    • @hchavers well, there are 1080P(ixels) down. Who even uses wide angles anyway?

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    • @djslack @hchavers The p is for progressive scan, not pixels. Progressive means that each frame has the whole image. As opposed to 1080i, where the i is for interlaced, where it only shows every other line frame, but alternates which lines in every other frame. P is better, obviously.

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    • @hchavers maybe just more research on what 1080p means.

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    • @yoda133113 but 1080P is not 4:3, so the manufacturer seems to think it must mean pixels…

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    • @djslack @yoda133113 1080p can certainly be 4:3. It's just generally assumed not to be.
      And 1080p is not necessarily better. Sometimes it's a choice between 1080p at 30 frames per second, or 1080i at 60 frames per second. At the same framerate, progressive is definitely better.

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  • I got a pair of these in my first Fuko several years ago.

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    • @jmhsrv So post the video from wearing them while you opened your subsequent Fukos.

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    • There are a lot of similar form-factors of these, but different brand names (Chinese mfgs). Here's a video review of one:

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    • Another "brand" review:

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  • Vaya con Dios, Gleg…we haldly knew ye.

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  • RIP to the incomparable Gleg Tamperhorn!

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  • At least Mlegan will have Glegs heart with her forever until the end… of her.

    Oh and the glasses… they're SO ugly. Gleg killed himself to break the curse and be rid of them. Poor Rodrigo, he knows not with what he hath been saddled.

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  • Well I've been wanting a cheaper alternative to a GoPro to wear during bike rides so I guess I'm in. I doubt these are very comfortable to wear though.

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    • @windfish113

      I doubt these are very comfortable to wear though.

      Depends on your vanity factor.

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  • FYI re: 1440x1080p video

    • yes this is considered 1080p (typically you measure the amount of horizontal lines, so ex: 1296x1080 is still considered 1080p)
    • p stands for progressive scan (full frames), be lucky it's not interlaced
    • 1440x1080 is a common anamorphic ratio
    • basically although the actual video is 1440x1080, there is metadata in the video headers that signify to a software player- "hey, don't play this video at 1:1 pixel ratio, please use 4:3 pixel ratio"

    Therefore, by using a proper (modern) player with a forced 1.33:1 pixel ratio, the actual video output will be 1920x1080p, displaying the video at the common 16:9 ratio

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    • Whisper
    • @akumax you learn something every day, and this one started early. Thanks!

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    • @akumax You can do what you describe with the aspect ratio as some cost to image quality, but I'm not sure that's what's happening here. All examples posted to the forum so far that I've checked are displaying in 4:3 format, and they don't appear squashed.
      I really doubt these glasses have proper anamorphic lenses on them.

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    • @Limewater are you sure this records 4:3? The couple videos that I have seen are 16:9. Thanks!

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    • @akumax Pretty sure. The one djslack posted that looks like it was from QVC uses a 4:3 display to provide example video.
      The "Real Person Review" a few posts up changes aspect ratio a few times, but the part that is explicitly the glasses example sure looks like 4:3 to me.

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  • I use these all the time! Don't tell me that you've never seen may tasteful POV movies on various "Adult Love"

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    • @Bumplepimp I call BS. No one would ever screw someone who was wearing this, no matter what the job paid…

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  • Farewell Gleg Tamperhorn! To you I say: "To die would be a great adventure!"

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  • How well do you guys think these would work with some video stabilization? Tempted to grab a pair just to test that out.

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  • How big of a memory card does this take? I kinda like the idea, but 8 GB is tiny. Does it take 64 or 128? What's the limit.

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  • not gleg! His loss is a dagger to my heart

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  • /giphy mistaken-discordant-clock

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  • Covertly recording people in 1080p for $20? I'm surprised at least the black isn't sold out.

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    • @Dengue um…I think you may have a skewed perception of the term "covertly"

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  • /buy --color Black

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    • @kshannon1 It worked! Your order number is: drain-unvarying-design

      /image drain unvarying design

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  • Buying these entirely because a Facebook poll indicates my friends really want a first person perspective on Mornings with My Pupper With No Concept of Personal Space, despite and perhaps because it will be 90% pure ridiculously oversized balls.

    hard-great-kangaroo seems kinda apt.

    I feel like this completely warrants meh sending me a pallet of Martian watches. Plus, no one else wants them. And it's my birthday!

    Gold rings also welcome.

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  • Ugh. Arrived the other day, dead in the box. Won't power on, won't take a charge, and can't connect to PC. Meh, thus far has been unresponsive. Sure it's just $20, but if I don't hear from them soon, I'm probably not going to purchase anything in the future.

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    • @Justjoeinpine they take a few days and don't work weekends. How long ago did you message?

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    • @RiotDemon Just a couple of days ago. I'll give them a week to respond…then I'll probably just accept my losses.

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    • @Justjoeinpine Count yourself lucky. i wish i could return mine as defective but they work* they just suck horribly and are hot garbage i won't be using them.

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  • FYI this is a terrible camera. ANY movement results in the entire image flickering constantly so these would only be good for recording standing perfectly still and not moving your head… which seems a bit counterproductive. Avoid.

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  • Anyone want to send me a scan of the instruction sheet? Lost mine and wanted to try these out!

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  • Garbage. 1440x1080 is NOT 1080p and the video looks like 720p that's been interpolated to faux 1080. Also VLC shows they're recording at 30fps (frames per second) but what's actually happening is that it doubles every single goddamn frame twice for an artificial 30fps that's really 15fps. Best of all? The nose piece on these is a 90 degree corner that sits edgewise on your nose so it hurts in the first few seconds you wear them. DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB etc.

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    • @Dabidoh tell us how you really feel.

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  • Anyone have any idea what the USB connection is - I misplaced the cable that came with them?

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    • @tmadel Looks like a micro usb according to the specs.

      • Output: Micro USB port for charging and downloading video and images
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    • @therealjrn Thanks - none of my normal micro USB-B cables fit. It seems like a really weird shaped plug.

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    • @therealjrn And the connector on the glasses doesn't match any of these… I wonder if it is proprietary. I even searched for the company website trying to track down the documentation and had absolutely no luck. Ah well as others have noted the picture quality isn't all that great so write it off as a $20 experiment.

      Thanks for your help!

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    • @tmadel It's a UC-E6. Same as the Nikon USB cable for Coolpix cameras.

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  • que design 1080p hd cyclops video glasses w 8gb card


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